Saturday, November 19, 2011

Posters for conference in India

I was asked to create a series of two-page fliers for a conference in India hosted by CapitalPlus Exchange. I was told that all the text had to be included and that we had to establish a consistent appearance. Here is one of the fliers:

Friday, November 18, 2011

invitation for non-profit organization

A client in Chicago, CapitalPlus Exchange, wanted me to create an invitation to be mailed for a fundraising dinner. I was told that the theme should be ethnic and that we had to keep all the informational text, without a hierarchy other than the "save the date!" tagline at the beginning and the contact info at the end. This is what I came up with:  

Friday, April 8, 2011

Revised logo

I decided to revise's logo a bit after some great feedback last night from my graphic design classmates. Thanks guys!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I didn't design this logo, that would be Shahid Juma from He's helping me build a site in which baby movies will be posted everyday. More news when launches in May.